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1. Rice phloem sap mediated interaction among planthoppers

                        Rice phloem feeders (especially planthoppers i.e. brown planthopper and white backed planthopper) share a common habitat and a common phloem resource. The dynamics of interaction between brown planthopper and white-backed planthopper on an individual rice plant is complex and may include both asymmetrical facilitation and competition between hopper species. There are few studies which have reported the interaction mechanism between planthoppers on resistant rice varieties. It has  been widely recognized that there is a significant crosstalk in plant defense response against multiple insect pest attack and is regulated by a wide array of proteins, transcriptional factors and other non-coding RNAs. Similarly, the response of rice plants to mixed hopper assemblages may involve tailored responses mediated by regulatory components and gene rearrangements. These tailored responses occur only in plants exposed to mixed hopper assemblages and cannot be obtained by comparing individual hopper species. We are instrumental in investigating phloem protein profile of rice plants using proteomics tools to identify the key players in modulating defense response against mixed hopper assemblages. And this study is funded by ECR SERB DST project 2018-2021.





















3. Detoxification mechanism:

            On a recent visit to a sampling site we were fascinated to observe Olepa sps (major pest of banana, castor) feeding on Calotropis. This made us enthusiastic to understand the mechanism involved in detoxifying cardiac glycosides compounds present in Calotropis plant by Olepa sps. We have looked into its host preference and was interesting to note that the larvae prefer feeding on Calotropis than banana and castor leaves. The detoxification mechanism in Olepa sps is being studied by quantifying detoxification enzymes in larvae grown with different feeds. Also looking for sequestration pattern by collecting different body parts of larva and adult and quantifying the cardiac glycoside compounds also possibility for any less toxic form of cardiac glycosides is to be noted.

            We also have initiated studies on detoxification mechanism in stored insect pest especially cigarette beetle by studying it`s gut microbiome community structure and diversity.



4. Insect diversity and environmental factor:

            With the help of under graduate students we have collected insect samples from different sampling sites at OMR (one of the Asia`s busiest road lane) and are in the process of revealing the insect diversity status at OMR.

2. Cross talk in plant defense:

              We screened and compared few indigenous rice varieties and cultivars against individual and combined stress conditions (brown planthopper, salinity and drought). It was interesting to find that few specific rice cultivars performed well under combined stress (biotic and abiotic ) and those rice cultivars have been already reported with resistant genes/QTLs against any one of the stress factor. We are in the process of further identifying and characterizing the core stress responsive genes and reconstruct their regulatory pathway and how they interact and mediate a response under multiple stress conditions and validate the candidate genes against multiple stress factors.

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